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Can we limit the available languages? locales/all.json controls the available languages in the UI's drop down box. It looks like the UI's language and the utterances' language are the same meaning that if you select English, you get the UI in English and you also get the utterances in English.

Default Language/Locale

To change the default locale, we need to change export const DEFAULT_LOCALE = 'mok'; in web/src/services/localization.ts. Note that the choice of DEFAULT_LOCALE must be in the list locales/all.json.

How to Add a New Language

Since we haven't found a wait to have the UI in one language and the utterances in another language, we've decided to add a new language code for the utterances and copy the localizations of English to that new language. Note that you need to chose a valid iso code or else Common-Voice will not accept it. You can find ISO-639-3 code here:

Let's see how to add str to Common-Voice:

  • Visit and make sure you are on branch dev/ilt;
  • Add str to locales/all.json in order to get that new language to show up in the UI's top-right dropdown box;
  • Add str to locales/contributable.json. We weren't sure what locales/contributable.json is for so we also added str to it;
  • In order to get the new language name to properly show up in the UI, add its full name to locales/native-names.json. This looks like "str": "SENĆOŦEN Origin Stories",.;
  • Again, we weren't sure what locales/translated.json is for and opted to add str;
  • We want the UI to be in English even for str, you will have to use the English localizations for your new language. We need to modify our template web/locales/en/messages.ftl to add our new language code with its description.
    • Open web/locales/en/messages.ftl,
    • Find the proper ##Languages section and add str = SENĆOŦEN,
    • Create a directory, web/locales/str/ and copy the two files cross-locale.ftl & messages.ftl from web/locales/en/ to web/locales/str/,
      cp web/locales/en/* web/locales/str/
    • We also need to update messages.ftl for all other locales. For this, copy the modified web/locales/en/messages.ftl to all other web/locales/*/.
  • Commit your changes;
  • Wait for the new image to deploy the development;
  • Validate your changes on which is the development server;
  • If your changes are correct, update the ilt branch with dev/ilt;
  • Wait for the new image to deploy to the production environment;
  • Finally, validate your changes on the production server

To add your sentences, you need to add them to under data/<ISO-639-3 Language Code>/. Note that Your corpora file MUST end with .txt.

Generating Utterances

We also have a crude Lorem Ipsum generator but this is only meant to be used for testing.

mkdir -p server/data.ilt/git
mkdir -p server/data.ilt/str

./ > server/data.ilt/git/utterances.txt
./ > server/data.ilt/str/utterances.txt